WorkAttest is a web based, automated and secure platform that relieves employers from handling verification requests from background screening companies and fellow organisations, by passing this responsibility to our central repository. It also delivers powerful insights on exited employee movement to help employers manage attrition and build culture.
How It Works?
Employee leaves Company A
to join Company B
Company A
contributes data
on WorkAttest
Verification report
shared with Company B
and employee gets verified
Company B raises
verification request
with the Background
Verifier logs into WorkAttest for
instantaneous verification
Our Clientele
Our clients span across all sectors
Key Benefits
Enhanced staff
Data repository with e-reports
Authentic data directly
from the employers
Operational efficiency and lower cost
Secure with
real-time tracking
Comprehensive reporting with
data analytics
SCHEDULE A DEMOWorkAttest is an expert offering from AuthBridge